
Introductory Offer

US$75.00 US$0.00

Introductory Offer

US$75.00 US$0.00

Tuning Fork Chakra Session 15min.    Very gentle, yet powerful modality to treat the body and mind that helps restore inner balance and assists in your sense of well being. 

I will set the intention on and promoting healing by encouraging a healthy flow of energy.  Let me know if there is a specific area you would like adressed as we balance chakras and see how you feel and we can discuss afterwards.

3 touch modalities relaxing mind body & soul-leave renewed.

or just pick one for 30 min separately anytime you'd like to try just one modality.


Let the sounds shift your mind into a relaxed trance like state. Let the sounds make you lose track of time. The noises and relaxed scents truly can make you forget about everything and focus on none other than yourself in the present moment.